Every artist should have a dog to walk the landscape whilst seeking inspiration. Surprisingly despite having four artists in the building until now, none have a furry companion to bring into the studios.
So let me introduce Sandy, our new studio and gallery dog. A medium-sized, sweet-natured Romanian rescue dog of unknown parentage she has already stolen the hearts of the studio residents and visitors to the gallery.
We are unique in having a hairy friend to keep us company in the long hours while we paint art history is littered with famous four-legged companions. Henri Matisse had two cats, Salvador Dalí owned an ocelot, and Andy Warhol had two dachshunds called Archie and Amos. Edvard Munch’s terriers inspired some of his most famous works including his 1930 painting, Head of Dog. Mexican artist Frieda Kahlo renowned for her self-portraits snuck in quite a few of her pets into her compositions. All have brought an extra dimension to the artist’s life and work, and we suspect Sandy will do the same at some point in Dave Pentin’s work too.
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